Save up 85% on calls with Talk Anytime call plan. Sign-up or transfer your landline to make great savings! It’s free and easy to switch. Line rental included, a value of €25.78 (Incl. VAT) per month. For residential use only.
Save up 85% on calls with Talk Anytime call plan. Sign-up or transfer your landline to make great savings! It’s free and easy to switch. Line rental included, a value of €25.78 (Incl. VAT) per month. For residential use only.
All prices include VAT
1,500 minutes to Irish & UK landlines, after which you are liable to pay the full listed rate to each destination. A call set-up fee of 8.95c applies to each chargeable call, including out of bundle landline and discounted rates.
Includes new telephone number or porting of your existing telephone number, depending on conditions.