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Understanding how much data various activities are likely to use can be really useful.

Every time you use your home broadband, you’ll be using a certian amount of data. The amount you use will depend on the activity – so for example, streaming a movie will use significantly more data than doing a quick Google search.Examples of download usage:

Service Usage Average Typical Data Size
Web browsing 50 web pages 30 mins ~10MB to 13MB
Facebook 15 Mins with NO video streaming ~5MB
Email 100 text emails sent or received ~2.5MB
Music 1 Music Track ~5MB
YouTube 240p 4 Min Music Video ~11MB
YouTube 360p 4 Min Music Video ~20MB
YouTube 480p 4 Min Music Video ~30MB
YouTube 720p 4 Min Music Video ~90MB
YouTube 1080p 4 Min Music Video ~150MB
Radio Streaming 10 Min ~15MB
Google Maps 10 Min ~6MB
Netflix (Standard Definition) 1 Hour ~0.7GB
Netflix (High Definition) 1 Hour ~3GB
Netflix (Ultra High Definition) 1 Hour ~7GB
TV Watching 15 Mins ~45MB
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